Underneath The Stars

Lauri Lagle
2h & 5min

Lauri Lagle’s new production “Underneath The Stars” opens a door to a space and to people and situations. What is this longing that unites us all? What is this dream that separates us from each other? Is there a life outside of others and where is the person that I ...? Among other things on stage there is a sombrero, a sudden grazing, a coffee machine, sunglasses (without mirror glasses), hands, a sniffing man, moustache of a Eurovision singer, harmless comradeship, a light blue beret, an argument, an opaque monologue, love, a funeral, a pick in the corner of the mouth and a dandyish guy.

Lauri Lagle’s productions and actors push through the end of the wall where perceptions begin. Words are spoked, feelings are felt, wants are wanted. Lagle is working with the same troupe with whom his two pervious productions “The Inevitability Of Living At The Same Time” and “You Are More Beautiful Today Than Tomorrow” were created. On stage there are Marika Vaarik, Katariina Tamm, Rasmus Kaljujärv, Jörgen Liik, Markus Truup, Ingmar Jõela and Rea Lest.

Nii võimaldabki «Tähtede all» publikul nautida humoorikalt jaburat mängu kui lavastuse pealiskihti ning samal ajal tajuda ka inimese olemuslikke igatsusi kui selle süvakihti.
Postimees. Karin Allik
Lauri Lagle lavastus loob konteksti, kus saame küll teise inimese ära kuulata, kuid seejuures ka provotseerida teda asetuma rolli, kus tahame teda ise näha.
Sirp. Madis Kolk
See on nagu vanasse tuttavasse baari minek, kus mingi seltskond jaurab juba ei tea mitmendat aastat, sina ja maailm aga on edasi pöörelnud. Baari pimedas nurgas on armas jälgida, kuidas need teised pole muutunud, see armsus võib seguneda haletsuse, kadeduse, imetluse jms inimlike varjunditega.
Postimees. Heili Sibrits
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