The Inevitability of Living At The Same Time

Lauri Lagle
2h & 10min

One late morning, a famous athlete appeared in the arena. He wasn’t the same. Ha was ragged by a disease for years and there was not much left. He coughed and tried to even his wrinkled sports jacket with old worn letters. Then he looked around the empty stadium which had meant so much to him. He heard the sound of fanfare, noise of the excited audience and passionate screams of the coach. It was the end of November, the air was humid. “Have you noticed,” said the famous athlete quietly “how beautiful the Tallinn Old Town is?” Lauri Lagle’s performance “The Inevitability Of Living At The Same Time” begins from the moment when everything is ending. People have gathered and are preparing for something. But new horizons are not opening soon. Just as our lives, it is not a tale but moments of lived lives – and of those still to come. The performance is a paraphrase of a title of a painting by Peeter Mudist. Premiered on the 28th of November 2019 at Von Krahl theatre.

The performance is without a break. One cigaret is smoked on stage during the performance.

Lagle tööd on vaataja suhtes nõudlikud. Lineaarsust ja ranget loogikat neist otsida ei maksa. Pigem on tegu meeleliste, kujundlike kogemustega.
Kultuur ERR, Andrei Liimets
Ehk see ongi groteskne pilguheit lennumasinasse, mis saadab konfliktse osa inimkonnast ära kosmosesse. Ja meie oleme need kaasreisijad lennuki teisel küljel.
Kultuur ERR, Mario Pulver
„Paratamatuse elada ühel ajal“ lõpus oma eelmistest eludest pajatav maisitõlvik (Mart ­Koldits) on ju väga täpne ­paroodia praegusele esoteerikafilosoofide ajastule, nagu see on oma kohatuses ka nutikas publiku ­võõritamine: sa arvad, et said kõigest aru – tubli! –, aga mõtle nüüd uuesti, kas ikka on nii.
Eesti Ekspress / Ott Karulin
Lagle on harvanähtavalt küpse ja peene intuitsiooniga lavastaja, kes esimestest lavastustest peale on kehtestanud oma jõulise, ent ometi väga intuitiivse teatrikeele.
Postimees / Meelis Oidsalu
Kas saab aga üks asi olla ühe ajahetke vältel kahes kohas? Maavärin näiteks saab. Üks ja seesama maavärin saab. Lagle annab selle võime ka inimesele.
Teater.Muusika.Kino. / Kaja Kann
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