Tonight Lorem Ipsum

Mart Kangro
1h & 30min
17/18/ 19/22 June 2021

When a page is blank and there’s nothing to write on it, then in order to check the font or length of sentences, a latin text is copied on the blank page which starts with the words Lore ipsum. This text substitutes the actual text that comes - comes at some point in the future. We replace the future with present. Keys with a chip. Cinema with Netflix. Roof tiles with asbestos cement. Everything goes really fast, faster all the time, but until then we have to replace, replace everything. What does it mean? Is it a preparation for the future? Or the arrival of the future? For whom is this place held? Mart Kangro’s new performance is about replacing, speed, the present, the future, potatoes, confusion, a floor under the floor and a pig named Ruik. There are four actors on stage, but who are they tonight will be revealed on the spot.

„Täna õhtul lorem ipsum“ lubab vaatajal olla laps, kes vaatab, sest on põnev, mitte selle pärast, et aru peab saama.
Sirp. Kaur Riismaa
Ta on poeetiline mõtisklus, kus kujundeid selles ruumis on rohkem kui küll. / Reet Weidebaum
«Täna õhtul Lorem Ipsumi» tegijad pole ilmselgelt mõeldes kiirustanud, sest dramaturgiliselt on see lavastus ­maiuspala, laotades esiti tühjusesse mitmeid justkui omaette ­toimivaid teemavõimalusi ning sidudes need siis sujuvalt tervikuks nii sõnas kui ka tegevuses.
Postimees. Ott Karulin
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