About The Expedition

The Expedition consist of people who are constantly searching and work very intensely to create a collective piece of art. The Expedition is an opportunity. An opportunity we use to bring ideas to life and realise them. The Expedition is not constant and definite, it is changing. The Expedition changes with the people. The Expedition is an attempt to understand and give meaning to the world. A desire to engage with topics which are important in our opinion and get to their core. A wish to search for the unknown with other like-minded creators, actors, musicians and artists. An endeavour to create pieces that resonate to the world today. The Expedition is a decision to act.

Lauri Lagle

Kunstiline juht

Marika Vaarik


Jörgen Liik


Katariina Tamm


Rea Lest


Rasmus Kaljujärv


Simeoni Sundja


Mari Abel


Sander Roosimägi


Marianne Kõrver

Autor, lavastaja

Mart Kangro

Autor, lavastaja

Ene-Liis Semper

Autor, lavastaja, kunstnik

Katariina Unt

Autor, lavastaja

Jarmo Reha

Autor, lavastaja, näitleja

Allan Appelberg

Graafiline disainer

Johanna-Elisabeth Tärno

Rekvisiitor-kostümeerija, etenduse juht

Siim Reispass

Valguskujundaja ja valgusmeister

Anni Heinaru

Teenindus- ja piletimüügijuht

Kätlin Sumberg

Turundus- ja kommunikatsioonijuht

Tiina Savi


Marju Väli


Participation in previous productions:

Markus Truup, Jakob Juhkam, Ingmar Jõela, Helen Västrik, Mari-Liis Rebane, Jaanika Arum
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